1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78
| \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{matrix,positioning,fit} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathreplacing}
\definecolor{blue_out}{RGB}{108, 142, 191} \definecolor{blue_fil}{RGB}{218, 232, 252} \definecolor{red_out}{RGB}{184, 84, 80} \definecolor{red_fil}{RGB}{248, 206, 204} \definecolor{green}{RGB}{130, 179, 102} \definecolor{yellow}{RGB}{215, 155, 0} \definecolor{purple}{RGB}{150, 115, 166} \definecolor{yellow_rec}{RGB}{255, 248, 229} \definecolor{green_rec}{RGB}{233, 243, 233}
\newcommand\hgt{50pt} \newcommand\wid{70pt} \newcommand\rad{15pt} \tikzset{blue_neuron/.style = {circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=2*\rad, draw=blue_out, fill=blue_fil, line width=1.5pt}} \tikzset{red_neuron/.style = {circle, inner sep=0pt, minimum size=2*\rad, draw=red_out, fill=red_fil, line width=1.5pt}} \tikzset{mypath/.style = {line width=1pt, -stealth}} \begin{document}
\begin{tikzpicture} \node[fill=green_rec,inner sep=0,label={[anchor=west]west:FF}, fit={(0.3*\wid,\rad-0.05*\hgt)(4.3*\wid,1.05*\hgt-\rad)}] {}; \node[fill=yellow_rec, inner sep=0, label={[anchor=west]west:MHA}, fit={(0.3*\wid,\rad+0.95*\hgt)(4.3*\wid,2.05*\hgt-\rad)}] {}; \node (Encoder) at (0,2.8*\hgt) {Encoder}; \draw [decorate,decoration={brace,amplitude=10pt,mirror}] (4.5*\wid,0) - - (4.5*\wid,2*\hgt) node[midway,xshift=0.25*\wid] (Nx) {Nx};
\node[blue_neuron, line width=3pt] (Ng) at (0,0) {$\textbf{h}^{(N)}_{(g)}$}; \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{ \node[blue_neuron] (\i) at (\wid*\i,0) {$\textbf{h}^{(\ell)}_{\i}$}; \node[blue_neuron, dashed] (^\i) at ((\wid*\i,\hgt) {$\textbf{h}^{\wedge}_{\i}$}; \node[blue_neuron] (-\i) at (\wid*\i,2*\hgt) {$\textbf{h}^{(\ell-1)}_{\i}$}; \node[red_neuron] (x\i) at (\wid*\i,2.8*\hgt) {$\textbf{x}_{\i}$}; }
\path[mypath,yellow] (-1.south) edge (^2.north west); \path[mypath,yellow] (-1.south) edge (^3.north west); \path[mypath,yellow] (-1.south) edge (^4.north west); \path[mypath,yellow] (-2.south) edge (^1.north east); \path[mypath,yellow] (-2.south) edge (^3.north west); \path[mypath,yellow] (-2.south) edge (^4.north west); \path[mypath,yellow] (-3.south) edge (^1.north east); \path[mypath,yellow] (-3.south) edge (^2.north east); \path[mypath,yellow] (-3.south) edge (^4.north west); \path[mypath,yellow] (-4.south) edge (^1.north east); \path[mypath,yellow] (-4.south) edge (^2.north east); \path[mypath,yellow] (-4.south) edge (^3.north east); \foreach \i in {1,...,4}{ \path[mypath,green] (x\i) edge (-\i); \path[mypath,blue_out] (-\i.south) edge[bend right=45] (^\i.north); \path[mypath,yellow] (-\i) edge (^\i); \path[mypath,purple, dashed] (-\i.south) edge[bend left=45] (^\i.north); \path[mypath,blue_out] (^\i.south) edge[bend right=45] (\i.north); \path[mypath,green] (^\i.south) edge[bend left=45] (\i.north); }
\node[left=0 of 1] {$=\frac{1}{n}($}; \node at (1.5*\wid,0) {\large $+$}; \node at (2.5*\wid,0) {\large $+$}; \node at (3.5*\wid,0) {\large $+$}; \node[right=0 of 4] {\large $)$};
\node[draw,rounded corners,fit=(Encoder)(4)(Nx)(x1)] (net) {};
\matrix[anchor=west,row sep=4pt] at (net.east){ \node[red_neuron,minimum size=\rad] {}; \node[xshift=18pt]{Node input};\\ \node[blue_neuron,minimum size=\rad] {}; \node[xshift=18pt]{Node embedding};\\ \node[blue_neuron,minimum size=\rad,line width=3pt] {}; \node[xshift=18pt]{Graph embedding};\\ \\\\\\ \path[mypath,yellow] (\rad/2,\rad/2) edge (\rad/2,-\rad/2); \node[xshift=18pt]{Message};\\ \path[mypath,green] (\rad/2,\rad/2) edge (\rad/2,-\rad/2); \node[xshift=18pt]{Projection};\\ \path[mypath,blue_out] (\rad/2,\rad/2) edge (\rad/2,-\rad/2); \node[xshift=18pt]{Skip connection};\\ \path[mypath,purple,dashed] (\rad/2,\rad/2) edge (\rad/2,-\rad/2); \node[xshift=18pt]{Attention query};\\ }; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}